I highly recommend taking a Birthing Class, if for nothing else, the comedic value ... and the fact your husband gets a head's up that you'll still look 5-months pregnant after you give birth. (I'm all for managing expectations.)
Sure we learned stellar birth positions (see exhibit A - gotta love squatting), how to breathe (in through the nose, out through the mouth - got it) and what to pack for the hospital - but mostly, we laughed. A LOT. (But only on the inside, or once we were safely out of earshot.) Reason being? Our instructor was off-the-charts hilarious. Equal parts intensity, passion, knowledge and a bent toward "el natural/granola" will do it.
The 4-week series started out day one with her warning the men in the room that their laboring partners will be - and I quote - harnessing their inner wild woman, as they draw within and go into "the labor zone." (Great, now I've got the Top Gun soundtrack stuck in my head). She then expertly re-enacted "the labor moan" complete with closed eyes and swaying hips. This fun little demo would repeat itself several times throughout each class, the entire duration of the series. Jared and I quickly learned NOT to make eye contact with each other, lest we want to unleash a flood of immature giggles.
And then BAM - just when we thought we'd made it through the worst - she unleashed a zinger of a quote that no one could possibly be expected to endure maturely. When backing up her rationale for completing the majority of your laboring at home, and in an environment conducive to relaxation (music, dim lights, candles, etc.) she said, "If you're open here (pointing at her head - aka "open minded"), and open here (pointing at heart), you'll be open down here" (pointing at what can only appropriate called the birth canal) ... followed by "if you know what I mean" ... followed by INTENSE eye contact with everyone in the room, one by one. I have never struggled so hard in my life to keep it together and I swear, if I'd even seen the teensiest shoulder shake out of Jared from the corner of my eye, I would have ended up on the floor, fetal position, laughing until I cried. My saving grace was a healthy fear of our lovely birthing coach.
She continued to entertain - vividly recounting her own birth experience (including resentment for an epidural when other options could have been presented); suggesting ways to get your labor moving along, including but not limited to "making out" ... (don't hold your breath, hubby); and using us students as props. Let me explain.
Early on, a favorite preggers was identified by the instructor - a self-proclaimed yoga enthusiast and staunch proponent of drug-free labors. Naturally, everyone else in the room hated her. Anytime the instructor needed a volunteer to demonstrate a position, she'd choose Miss Flexible, but not before pointedly asking her, "Can I touch you appropriately?" (To which, what else can she possibly reply but yes?) It goes without saying that Jared and I found this completely hysterical.
Well if she was Miss Flexible, then I was Miss Hilariously and Pathetically Inflexible, corroborated by the instructor herself during the last class, when she suggested I might want to modify a certain position to be "more comfortable for me." (Again, see exhibit A - squatting).
All in all, we learned a lot and she helped get us excited about labor (which is quite the accomplishment). Not only was it money well spent, but oddly enough, became a fun weekly "date night" for us!
Cheers to harnessing my inner wild woman!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
Baby Bump - 36 Weeks
Fun picture from a little outing in Manhattan Beach over the weekend. We bought Baby Wright a t-shirt at Baby Wright's! It's a 4T so it'll be a while before she can wear it, but it's a fun little t-shirt to look forward to.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
T-Minus 30 Days
Between last night's hospital tour and today's 36-week ultrasound, everything is becoming super exciting and REAL!
The tour was great. Seeing the lay of the land helped make things seem less scary. And bizarrely enough, Jared and I both love hospitals, so we're actually looking forward to labor! (I say that now). There are three different rooms you stay in - one for "assessment" and early labor (up to 3-4 centimeters). Then you're off to where you hang out until you're ready to deliver, and then actually delivery, and then there's the recovery room where you hang out for 2 to 4 days, depending on what kind of delivery you have. They were all A-OK, but of course, it wouldn't be LA if there weren't some sort of special upgrade and waiting list available.
There's of course the primo VIP room, which will run ya a mere $3,000 - $7,000, buying you hardwood floors, a post-op doula or something or other, special food, a robe (what, no slippers?), among other perks. Surely this is where Pink, Penelope Cruz, Victoria Beckham, among other celebs - chilled out postpartum.
For us regular folks, you can try to sweet talk your way into a delivery room with a view. Initially, I thought, who needs a view? Surely I'll be too busy to really care, right? But then they showed us a room without a view, and admittedly, it feels more claustrophobic. EVERYTHING worthwhile in LA has a waiting list it seems ... from dinner reservations, to day cares, and now - delivery rooms with a view! I think I'll leave sweet-talking the nurses to Jared, who has a way with the ladies - ha!
The tour went late ... and as we were heading out at 10 PM we ran into my doctor, who was so confused at first! She thought I was in labor and that she'd missed my call! (She was on her way to deliver another baby at the time). It was funny because we had a 9 AM with her this morning ... I don't know how doctors stay up all night delivering a baby (she ended up having to do a C-section early this morning) and then see patients all day the next day. I heart doctors.
So about our appointment today - everything looks great and she's already about 6 lbs! The measurements actually came out at 6 lbs., 4 oz., but she said it's probably closer to 6 lbs. This means she could potentially get up to 8 lbs. at delivery, but she doesn't think she'll get that big, and that she's more likely to be in the 7 lb. range. All the measurements look great (head's not too big!), heartbeat's good, and she's got all the right parts (and yes, she's definitely a she.) And she's head down - hallelujah!
Thirty more busy days getting ready for baby! Stay tuned for posts on my fabulous baby showers, and the baby's room.
The tour was great. Seeing the lay of the land helped make things seem less scary. And bizarrely enough, Jared and I both love hospitals, so we're actually looking forward to labor! (I say that now). There are three different rooms you stay in - one for "assessment" and early labor (up to 3-4 centimeters). Then you're off to where you hang out until you're ready to deliver, and then actually delivery, and then there's the recovery room where you hang out for 2 to 4 days, depending on what kind of delivery you have. They were all A-OK, but of course, it wouldn't be LA if there weren't some sort of special upgrade and waiting list available.
There's of course the primo VIP room, which will run ya a mere $3,000 - $7,000, buying you hardwood floors, a post-op doula or something or other, special food, a robe (what, no slippers?), among other perks. Surely this is where Pink, Penelope Cruz, Victoria Beckham, among other celebs - chilled out postpartum.
For us regular folks, you can try to sweet talk your way into a delivery room with a view. Initially, I thought, who needs a view? Surely I'll be too busy to really care, right? But then they showed us a room without a view, and admittedly, it feels more claustrophobic. EVERYTHING worthwhile in LA has a waiting list it seems ... from dinner reservations, to day cares, and now - delivery rooms with a view! I think I'll leave sweet-talking the nurses to Jared, who has a way with the ladies - ha!
The tour went late ... and as we were heading out at 10 PM we ran into my doctor, who was so confused at first! She thought I was in labor and that she'd missed my call! (She was on her way to deliver another baby at the time). It was funny because we had a 9 AM with her this morning ... I don't know how doctors stay up all night delivering a baby (she ended up having to do a C-section early this morning) and then see patients all day the next day. I heart doctors.
So about our appointment today - everything looks great and she's already about 6 lbs! The measurements actually came out at 6 lbs., 4 oz., but she said it's probably closer to 6 lbs. This means she could potentially get up to 8 lbs. at delivery, but she doesn't think she'll get that big, and that she's more likely to be in the 7 lb. range. All the measurements look great (head's not too big!), heartbeat's good, and she's got all the right parts (and yes, she's definitely a she.) And she's head down - hallelujah!
Thirty more busy days getting ready for baby! Stay tuned for posts on my fabulous baby showers, and the baby's room.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Pregnancy Perks?
Call me a cynic, but in my opinion, chivalry is dead ... at least in the pregnancy department. With the exception of my very gentlemanly, Texan husband, I've yet to experience the "pregnancy perks" I'd always imagined would be mine the second I saw a plus sign on a stick. Observe:
1. Where's my VIP bathroom pass? - We've all been there: the dreadfully long line outside the girls bathroom (often with a good view of the men's restroom with zero line, while men saunter in and out in mere seconds). Correct me if I'm wrong, but once you're sporting a huge belly (I'm not talking about the "is she pregnant or fat?" bulge, I'm talking - 'bout to pop) ... the other ladies in waiting are supposed to usher you to the front of the line, and despite the pregger's protests, INSIST you go first. Well, yah, that hasn't happened. What up?
2. "Expectant Mothers Parking" - Still MIA - Who doesn't love nabbing a good parking spot? Particularly if you live in one of those towns where a trip to the mall includes the initiation of driving around in circles underground for 20 minutes, while cursing other cars that snake YOUR spot. So you can imagine how excited I was that cute pink parking spots with little stork signs would greet me everywhere I go?! I don't actually know where I got the idea that pregnant women got special parking spots, but I've yet to see one. Now that I'm in my third trimester and wonderful things like "hip separating" are well underway, this would be so very appreciated.
3. Common courtesy, anyone? - Perhaps the most surprising thing has been the little things. The grocery bagger who doesn't help you to your car, the elevator that doesn't get held, the big box you're carrying that doesn't get magically lifted from your arms by a helpful stranger. Now, I live in one of those cities where you're not supposed to make eye-contact, so perhaps no one has noticed the watermelon in my tummy - totally plausible - but it's a lot of hard work being pregnant, and it would be a breath of fresh air for someone to get their good deed for the day out of the way, to my benefit!
Ok, ok - so this has been a bit whiny, but I'll sign-off with this. For every pregnancy perk letdown, I have countless examples of outpourings of love from friends and family. So maybe I'm not a pretty pretty princess in the eyes of L.A. strangers, but my loved ones have been SAINTS!
1. Hero Suzanne! - My sister - who has always been my hero - has outdone herself on my baby showers. They've been perfect, thanks to her creativity, generosity and sacrifice. And anyone that knows me, knows I love baby showers! The fact they've been mine, full of presents to open, has been icing on the cake.
2. Best mother/sister-in-law! - My husband's family flew all the way from Texas to come to my baby shower! How amazing is that!? And I had friends drive all the say from San Diego (thanks Veronica and Angelina!) and OC (thanks Lily) as well as countless friends juggle child care and breastfeeding for their brand new babies to spend a few hours with me. Blessed!
3. Gifts galore - This child will not go naked, nor will she go cold, un-read to, and un-entertained (may have just made up some words there). I mean, this child is set! She's got the most adorable clothes, handmade blankies, bottles, gear, supplies and more. My mom in particular has been uber generous -- everytime I see her she's got more presents for baby! (She does have a "Grandma's the Name, Spoilin's the Game" license plate, after all - which I've always made fun of, but now I finally get to reap the benefits). And I've even got it going on, with cute nursing covers, lotions, nursing gowns, etc. thanks to all my friends' thoughtfulness.
But ultimately, the # 1 pregnancy perk - and the only one that matters, really - is that baby that we are dying to meet!!!
1. Where's my VIP bathroom pass? - We've all been there: the dreadfully long line outside the girls bathroom (often with a good view of the men's restroom with zero line, while men saunter in and out in mere seconds). Correct me if I'm wrong, but once you're sporting a huge belly (I'm not talking about the "is she pregnant or fat?" bulge, I'm talking - 'bout to pop) ... the other ladies in waiting are supposed to usher you to the front of the line, and despite the pregger's protests, INSIST you go first. Well, yah, that hasn't happened. What up?
2. "Expectant Mothers Parking" - Still MIA - Who doesn't love nabbing a good parking spot? Particularly if you live in one of those towns where a trip to the mall includes the initiation of driving around in circles underground for 20 minutes, while cursing other cars that snake YOUR spot. So you can imagine how excited I was that cute pink parking spots with little stork signs would greet me everywhere I go?! I don't actually know where I got the idea that pregnant women got special parking spots, but I've yet to see one. Now that I'm in my third trimester and wonderful things like "hip separating" are well underway, this would be so very appreciated.
3. Common courtesy, anyone? - Perhaps the most surprising thing has been the little things. The grocery bagger who doesn't help you to your car, the elevator that doesn't get held, the big box you're carrying that doesn't get magically lifted from your arms by a helpful stranger. Now, I live in one of those cities where you're not supposed to make eye-contact, so perhaps no one has noticed the watermelon in my tummy - totally plausible - but it's a lot of hard work being pregnant, and it would be a breath of fresh air for someone to get their good deed for the day out of the way, to my benefit!
Ok, ok - so this has been a bit whiny, but I'll sign-off with this. For every pregnancy perk letdown, I have countless examples of outpourings of love from friends and family. So maybe I'm not a pretty pretty princess in the eyes of L.A. strangers, but my loved ones have been SAINTS!
1. Hero Suzanne! - My sister - who has always been my hero - has outdone herself on my baby showers. They've been perfect, thanks to her creativity, generosity and sacrifice. And anyone that knows me, knows I love baby showers! The fact they've been mine, full of presents to open, has been icing on the cake.
2. Best mother/sister-in-law! - My husband's family flew all the way from Texas to come to my baby shower! How amazing is that!? And I had friends drive all the say from San Diego (thanks Veronica and Angelina!) and OC (thanks Lily) as well as countless friends juggle child care and breastfeeding for their brand new babies to spend a few hours with me. Blessed!
3. Gifts galore - This child will not go naked, nor will she go cold, un-read to, and un-entertained (may have just made up some words there). I mean, this child is set! She's got the most adorable clothes, handmade blankies, bottles, gear, supplies and more. My mom in particular has been uber generous -- everytime I see her she's got more presents for baby! (She does have a "Grandma's the Name, Spoilin's the Game" license plate, after all - which I've always made fun of, but now I finally get to reap the benefits). And I've even got it going on, with cute nursing covers, lotions, nursing gowns, etc. thanks to all my friends' thoughtfulness.
But ultimately, the # 1 pregnancy perk - and the only one that matters, really - is that baby that we are dying to meet!!!
*Comic credit: www.allnaturalme.com
Monday, July 11, 2011
Baby Bump - 34 Weeks!
The ice cream and dark chocolate peanut butter cups I just discovered at Trader Joe's are helping.
She seems to be dropping a little, which I'd imagine is a good thing. Gravity is beginning to have its way with us. :-)
At my rate of posting these every other week or so, I may only have 3 more bump pics - crazy! Time is flying.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Like a Honeydew!
Friday, July 1, 2011
"I Think One More Should Be Enough ... "

Jared snapped this pic unbeknownst to me a while back, when I was carefully selecting the perfect Ben & Jerry's (and no, I didn't buy all 3 as the photo would indicate, but it's still pretty funny).
Now it's time to celebrate the 4th of July. Since we have ZERO plans (and I mean zero) .. surely, I can rationalize indulging in some more ice cream this weekend. I'm in a flavor slump, so please - all ideas are welcome.
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