Saturday, April 23, 2011

Baby Bump - 23 Weeks

Baby girl on the way (man it's hard knowing her name and not writing it) is 23 weeks today -- so basically -- almost 6 months (the whole counting weeks thing still feels a little odd).

She enjoys sleeping during the day ... and eating, somersaults and little kicks early in the morning and late at night when mama's sleeping.

Jared just barely sorta felt her move once, but for the most part, no dramatic kicking just yet. I was out of Vit D/Calcium OJ today and forced down a glass of milk (gross!) so hopefully those bones will start getting stronger soon. :-)

1 comment:

  1. CANTWAITTOSEEYOUINPERSON!! ;) SO, we'll be there Thursday - Monday afternoon; your b-day thru 6th. Let me know when you're free!! ...PS, kinda cruel (don't judge when you read this!) but I would drink ice water to make Emma jolt around! I LOVED the feeling of her moving around!! (and yes, remember that water broke at end of 33 weeks, so barely at the point where I felt like she was starting to take up all the room in the belly)
