Monday, May 2, 2011

Fruit of the Womb!

The baby at 24 weeks (6 months - WOW) is the size of a papaya. And boy has she grown in the last week.

I left for a work trip in Orlando for six days ... and grew out of some clothes in the process.

Jared's eyes bulged when he saw me! The weight goes away, right? RIGHT!??? :-) My next dr. appointment is Wed. so we'll soon know how much damage has been done.

1 comment:

  1. Dawn, you crack me up! Before you know it, that papaya will be a watermellon ;-) The weight goes away almost instantly! I dropped all my weight within the first week of giving birth. However, I was super cautious about what I ate while pregnant, so all my weight was water weight and baby weight. If I know you at all, I know you would be a healthy eater too! No need to takes 9 months for your body to transform, it should take just as long for it to go back! I am still working on the little jiggly belly pooch that has been left behind :-)
