Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tiny Dancer

Apparently I'm still learning "doctor speak." So when your OBGYN says, "I'll see you in three weeks and we'll draw blood for your 1st Trimester Ultrasound" she means "Schedule an appointment for three weeks from now JUST to draw blood," ... not "At your next appointment in three weeks we'll also draw blood." Regardless, my doctor had some extra time on Tues. and was nice enough to do a sonogram "just because" (fun!!!) before sending me off to the lab for more blood work (not fun!!!)

And I could just HUG her for doing so because it was the most amazing, mind-blowing, memorable experience EVER! For starters, we've progressed to the point of getting to use the "on the tummy" sonogram (that's better) and secondly ... I not only saw the baby's heartbeat (which never gets old) ...  I saw the baby MOVE!!!

It startled me at first but my doctor assured me it was a healthy sign. I just can't believe that at 12 weeks, and at about the size of a lime, we've got: arms, legs, fingers and toes (with nails!), eye sockets that clench, and a mouth that makes sucking movements and can suck its thumb! According to all the books, the baby can even get hiccups at this point! But what the books won't tell you - and what I clearly witnessed - was that 12-week old babies in the womb can DANCE.

We were staring intently at the heartbeat when all of a sudden, the baby started moving rapidly in what can best be described as aggressive full-body sit-ups, or more accurately, krumping. Any self-respecting person would have watched the past few seasons of "So You Think You Can Dance" and will know exactly what I'm talking about, but for my mom - who likely comprises about one-third of my readership - imagine violent hip hop. (It's cooler than it sounds).

We've got our 1st Trimester Ultrasound scheduled for next Tuesday and Daddy's coming with. I can't wait for him to see our Tiny Dancer!

1 comment:

  1. 1. I so heart that song, so I was intrigued and excited when I saw the title ;0 2. so perfect for you to have a little dancer!! I remember those DM days like they were...20 years ago?! :) WOW, "pump it!" been a while since I said that.
