Sunday, January 30, 2011

"Me too" Syndrome

According to "The Girlfriends Guide to Pregnancy," there are two kinds of Dads-to-be. The vast majority are a bit detached .... fearful even ... assuming a "Who are you and what have you done with my woman?" stance when it comes to dealing with his pregnant and oh so hormonal wife.

These men are full of concerns of their own. "A baby is so expensive, will we go broke?" "Will my wife ever 'get back to normal'"? "What if I get lost on my way to the hospital?" "What if I have to deliver my own child?" And my favorite, "If I'm the Dad, I can't be the baby anymore!"

And yet, there's a very special different kind of Dad-to-be out there. A "me too Dad" if you will. This is the guy that insists that it's OUR pregnancy and wants to be there every step of the way. He's never felt more connected to his partner and is so totally 100% on-board! Sounds amazing, right? Well here's how it plays out in real life:

Me: "Ooooooooooo you know what sounds good? A macaroon cookie mint chocolate chip ice cream sandwich!!!!"
Jared: "Great! I'm in. I'll get the Rocky Road flavor!"

Me: "I'm SO tired! I seriously want to stay in bed ALL day."
Jared: "Race you there!"

Me: (Sniffling and bleary eyed) "I cry at EVERYTHING these days! Even commercials"
Jared: (Equally watery-eyed, nods sympathetically.)

After coming to the conclusion that Jared was a "me too Dad" I promptly called him out, to which he replied, "Hey!!!! I'm going through stuff too!!!! It may not be physical .... !!!!!"

I rest my case.


  1. This was hilarious!!!! Awwww Jared, this is a huge change for you too :-]

  2. Awww, too sweet! I love it! I think it's fun when they describe something 'we've' been through recently as though they felt our pain or discomfort too! I think it makes it more special when they're feeling this involved.

  3. Love. This. Is it ridiculous that I've never met either of you face-to-face, but sometimes feel like I know you better than some family members who I have? :)
