Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Pregnancy Perks?

Call me a cynic, but in my opinion, chivalry is dead ... at least in the pregnancy department. With the exception of my very gentlemanly, Texan husband, I've yet to experience the "pregnancy perks" I'd always imagined would be mine the second I saw a plus sign on a stick. Observe:

1. Where's my VIP bathroom pass? - We've all been there: the dreadfully long line outside the girls bathroom (often with a good view of the men's restroom with zero line, while men saunter in and out in mere seconds). Correct me if I'm wrong, but once you're sporting a huge belly (I'm not talking about the "is she pregnant or fat?" bulge, I'm talking - 'bout to pop) ... the other ladies in waiting are supposed to usher you to the front of the line, and despite the pregger's protests, INSIST you go first. Well, yah, that hasn't happened. What up?

2. "Expectant Mothers Parking" - Still MIA - Who doesn't love nabbing a good parking spot? Particularly if you live in one of those towns where a trip to the mall includes the initiation of driving around in circles underground for 20 minutes, while cursing other cars that snake YOUR spot. So you can imagine how excited I was that cute pink parking spots with little stork signs would greet me everywhere I go?! I don't actually know where I got the idea that pregnant women got special parking spots, but I've yet to see one. Now that I'm in my third trimester and wonderful things like "hip separating" are well underway, this would be so very appreciated.

3. Common courtesy, anyone? - Perhaps the most surprising thing has been the little things. The grocery bagger who doesn't help you to your car, the elevator that doesn't get held, the big box you're carrying that doesn't get magically lifted from your arms by a helpful stranger. Now, I live in one of those cities where you're not supposed to make eye-contact, so perhaps no one has noticed the watermelon in my tummy - totally plausible - but it's a lot of hard work being pregnant, and it would be a breath of fresh air for someone to get their good deed for the day out of the way, to my benefit!

Ok, ok - so this has been a bit whiny, but I'll sign-off with this. For every pregnancy perk letdown, I have countless examples of outpourings of love from friends and family. So maybe I'm not a pretty pretty princess in the eyes of L.A. strangers, but my loved ones have been SAINTS!

1. Hero Suzanne! - My sister - who has always been my hero - has outdone herself on my baby showers. They've been perfect, thanks to her creativity, generosity and sacrifice. And anyone that knows me, knows I love baby showers! The fact they've been mine, full of presents to open, has been icing on the cake.

2. Best mother/sister-in-law! - My husband's family flew all the way from Texas to come to my baby shower! How amazing is that!? And I had friends drive all the say from San Diego (thanks Veronica and Angelina!) and OC (thanks Lily) as well as countless friends juggle child care and breastfeeding for their brand new babies to spend a few hours with me. Blessed!

3. Gifts galore - This child will not go naked, nor will she go cold, un-read to, and un-entertained (may have just made up some words there). I mean, this child is set! She's got the most adorable clothes, handmade blankies, bottles, gear, supplies and more. My mom in particular has been uber generous -- everytime I see her she's got more presents for baby! (She does have a "Grandma's the Name, Spoilin's the Game" license plate, after all - which I've always made fun of, but now I finally get to reap the benefits). And I've even got it going on, with cute nursing covers, lotions, nursing gowns, etc. thanks to all my friends' thoughtfulness.

But ultimately, the # 1 pregnancy perk - and the only one that matters, really - is that baby that we are dying to meet!!!

*Comic credit:


  1. Cute!!! I loved reading this- so true! It has been my pleasure to help you get ready for your little girl. Some selfish reasons though of course- I Can't wait to hold my niece!!

  2. Awww... the beginning of your post made me sad! Must definitely be where you live. My least favorite: a women's conference with a special 'nursing mom area', restroom included. Word leaked that there was no line there, so after pumping I was going in to clean up my goodies and go potty only to find about an hour long line. Eventually peeps not prego or mom of an infant realized they were somewhere not designated for them (in a Christian arena, mind you!) I started getting the 'go ahead'...enough about me:)
    TIP: Find a CVS and a reason to go to it - they have special parking for prego moms and moms with newborns.
