Wednesday, July 20, 2011

T-Minus 30 Days

Between last night's hospital tour and today's 36-week ultrasound, everything is becoming super exciting and REAL!

The tour was great. Seeing the lay of the land helped make things seem less scary. And bizarrely enough, Jared and I both love hospitals, so we're actually looking forward to labor! (I say that now). There are three different rooms you stay in - one for "assessment" and early labor (up to 3-4 centimeters). Then you're off to where you hang out until you're ready to deliver, and then actually delivery, and then there's the recovery room where you hang out for 2 to 4 days, depending on what kind of delivery you have. They were all A-OK, but of course, it wouldn't be LA if there weren't some sort of special upgrade and waiting list available.

There's of course the primo VIP room, which will run ya a mere $3,000 - $7,000, buying you hardwood floors, a post-op doula or something or other, special food, a robe (what, no slippers?), among other perks. Surely this is where Pink, Penelope Cruz, Victoria Beckham, among other celebs - chilled out postpartum.

For us regular folks, you can try to sweet talk your way into a delivery room with a view. Initially, I thought, who needs a view? Surely I'll be too busy to really care, right? But then they showed us a room without a view, and admittedly, it feels more claustrophobic. EVERYTHING worthwhile in LA has a waiting list it seems ... from dinner reservations, to day cares, and now - delivery rooms with a view! I think I'll leave sweet-talking the nurses to Jared, who has a way with the ladies - ha!

The tour went late ... and as we were heading out at 10 PM we ran into my doctor, who was so confused at first! She thought I was in labor and that she'd missed my call! (She was on her way to deliver another baby at the time). It was funny because we had a 9 AM with her this morning ... I don't know how doctors stay up all night delivering a baby (she ended up having to do a C-section early this morning) and then see patients all day the next day. I heart doctors.

So about our appointment today - everything looks great and she's already about 6 lbs! The measurements actually came out at 6 lbs., 4 oz., but she said it's probably closer to 6 lbs. This means she could potentially get up to 8 lbs. at delivery, but she doesn't think she'll get that big, and that she's more likely to be in the 7 lb. range. All the measurements look great (head's not too big!), heartbeat's good, and she's got all the right parts (and yes, she's definitely a she.) And she's head down - hallelujah!

Thirty more busy days getting ready for baby! Stay tuned for posts on my fabulous baby showers, and the baby's room. 


  1. Head down is good! Claire never got that memo! Enjoy your time with Jared while you can! Make him take you on some fun last dates before you are a mommy and daddy!

  2. All good news!!!! Yay!!!! Can't wait :-)

  3. EXCITING! Are you and Jared planning a last hurrah/babymoon - or special date night before she comes?! Ahh to have notice of said arrival ;0 I think it helped me not fixate on the endless l&d stories I heard with it coming early. My tip of what got me through: counter pressure. EVERY contraction (and they were continuous). Poor Tyler was sore for about 3 days after...I guess I was to! Keep us posted on how you're feeling and what you're thinking as the countdown continues!! PS - I hope you enjoy all my 'reflecting/sharing' for each post. You're the only one that reads these, right?!
