Sunday, January 9, 2011

Size Matters, Apparently

I had my first doctor's appointment this week, and suffice to say, it FREAKED me out.

Now of course it wasn't completely devoid of coolness. I got the "yep you're pregnant" stamp of approval from doc, and even saw the baby's heartbeat (will spare you the details on the magical sonogram technology that led to getting that miraculous image on the screen - yowsah).

The bummer is that all of those much-anticipated moments were compromised by the words "I'll have to see you again next week to make sure this is a healthy pregnancy." Needless to say, my head was spinning most the rest of the appointment and I'm sure I only heard half of what was thrown my way (the approximately NINE vials of blood they also took that day didn't exactly help.)

The culprit of my doctor's concern? I should be 8 weeks pregnant based on the dates, but based on the size of the baby, I'm only 7 weeks. Odds are, I ovulated late, which - to anyone that knows me - shouldn't be a shocker. I'm kinda sorta late to everything. So fingers crossed and many prayers that when I go back next week, I'll be a healthy 8 weeks, proving everything's progressing fine, if not a little tardy, and then I can read my "Pregnancy & Newborn" magazine at the gym with confidence, not to mention start to share this little secret with more loved ones. - Dawn

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