Monday, January 17, 2011

State of Denial

As excited as we are to be parents-to-be, could we also be in denial about this impending, life-altering paradigm shift that's about to take place in our lives? Jared's obsession with which roof rack he's going to buy hasn't waned, and he monitors vacation deals as often as I check Facebook (in other words, a lot).

But I could have the worst of it. I lay out the evidence for you to be the judge:
  1. I still hang on every word of "Say Yes to the Dress" all the while experiencing temporary amnesia as I fantasize about MY dream dress.
  2. I pay far too much attention to designer jean sample sale flyers (I'm only 9 weeks along, and like I could even get my big toe into a pair. Of course it's downhill from here).
  3. I have serious discussions with Jared about how all we'll need to do is toss a crib in the office and we'll be "good to go."
  4. I take my nurse's sugar warnings as mere suggestions and go ahead and get after the OJ in the morning, and at least one dessert a day (and I've got the Cool Whip and Chunky Monkey in the freezer to prove it).
  5. My response to ANY question that involves planning (child care, preschool, where we're going to live, maternity leave) is "We're just taking it one day at a time!" (Insert clueless grin).
But in my defense, for every occurrence of denial, I make up for it with some good honest "trying to be good at this" -- really!
  1. I have a stack of SIX pregnancy books next to my bed (and I've even read some of them!)
  2. I drank milk for the first time since third grade, topped only by the V8 I chocked down last week.
  3. I bought a maternity "belly band" today at the outlets (which surely deserves a blog post of its own)
  4. I take FIVE prenatal pills a day, and even have a neato pill minder with AM and PM compartments.
  5. I created this blog! That counts for something, right?
From what I've read, it's quite normal to have "ambivalent" feelings -- overwhelming joy and excitement coupled with fears, doubt and even regrets (we never did get to use our Passports.) Perhaps this is why God gives us 9+ months to get used to the idea.

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