Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Lost Art of Keeping Secrets

With so many convenient and immediate ways to share information, the art of keeping secrets is now one of the past. When not even what I had for lunch ceases to make Facebook headlines, how am I supposed to keep this baby a secret? Particularly since I'm a "wear your heart on your sleeve" sharing type?

It's been difficult keeping the news to ourselves (for the most part), but there will be plenty of time for official announcements in the weeks and months ahead.

But of course, we haven't completely kept it under wraps. Our logic - though it wasn't followed consistently - was that we'd tell you if we saw you in-person over the holidays (however that train of thought didn't kick-in until about mid-way through the trip, so a couple very special people were left out!)

But the more we announced it, the more I personally didn't feel ready to. I think I'm still coming to terms with the news myself. Plus, I've learned that before proudly announcing the news, and basking in the glow of "congrats" and "good jobs!" (that's my favorite) there are a few things you MUST be armed with:

1). A due date (because it's the first question you get asked and people totally don't think you're prego unless you have one. Instead of high-fives, you get non-committal nods and a smile that says "are you sure"????).

2). A thumbs up from the doctor that everything's OK (this is more for the mom-to-be, helping to nix the nervous awkwardness out of the "ta-da!" moment.)

3.) General plan of attack (beyond the due date, I've already been asked the following: how long are you taking off for maternity leave?; have you thought about day care?; are you working right up till your due date?; have you thought about moving?; where was the baby conceived (um what?!); what does your insurance pay for?; among other questions.

So for now, I have to be content sharing with this blog no one reads yet, and the few family members and friends that know, all the while stalking my Facebook page to ensure no one's slipped and accidentally spilled the beans!

In signing off, I challenge everyone to "under share" for once, and keep a good secret -- just for fun. - Dawn.

1 comment:

  1. DAWN ELIZABETH WELLS WRIGHT...i was looking through some stuff on my blog and it showed our blog having a visitor from this i clicked to see what it was...and here you are. Well, I must say, I know how hard it is to continue to be asked if you're prego yet, when it's known that you are trying. So I'm thinking I didn't even ask when you and Jared were over! But we definitely did quite a bit of baby talk that day ;) Well...CONGRATULATIONS to you BOTH! I'm so extremely excited for you! ...and don't you love that you're letting this all sink in while everyone is asking stuff that's so many months from now?! :) Just wait till you deliver and they start asking how long you're going to nurse and when you're starting to try for #2. THE JOYS. We love you guys, and CONGRATS!
